Junior Life

Founded in 1512, Wolverhampton Grammar School is an award-winning independent day school, for boys and girls ages 4 to 18.

Wolverhampton Grammar Junior School is conveniently located on the same site as Wolverhampton Grammar School, enabling junior school pupils to make the most of the facilities of the senior school, as well as having lessons with some of the senior subject specialist teachers.

It also makes life easy for families with older siblings who travel to school together.

Our breakfast club which starts at 7.30am looks after any children who are dropped off early, either on an ad hoc or regular basis. This provision can be booked by emailing childcare@wgs-sch.net. Many children arrive from 8.00am to spend time playing with their friends before the start of the school day.

All children should be in school no later than 8.30am in time for morning registration. The school day ends at 3.15pm for Infants, 3.40pm for Years 3 & 4, 3.50pm for Year 5 and 4pm for Year 6. An extensive after-school programme of clubs is offered, as well as wrap-around care in our Late club up to 6.15pm.

Our Community

Mr Peters takes a whole school assembly every Monday and leads singing practice on a Tuesday for Years 3 to 6. Along with our Awards Assembly and News Assembly we make sure that there is time for the different year groups to come together.

It allows our older children to demonstrate they can be good role models as well as showcasing the many exciting activities taking place the Junior School.

Growing in Confidence

Throughout their time at WGJS every child will have the opportunity to take part in a school production.

Infants perform their own nativity play and there is a Lower School production for Years 3 and 4, as well as a Year 5 & 6 production. In addition, each Form will have their own assembly during the academic year to which parents are invited to come along and watch.

As part of our WGJS public speaking programme our children are encouraged to speak in front of their peers and grow in confidence. This begins with ‘Show and Tell’ in Reception and develops into poetry and reading competitions, as well as group and individual project presentations.

Every year group will take part in trips linked to the curriculum and from Year 2 upwards the children have the opportunity to go on a residential trip. This is the cause of much excitement and creates lasting memories. Working their way up to a week’s outward-bound trip in Year 6, the younger years are gently introduced to one and two night stays away from home. These life-changing residentials build team skills and resilience which set the children up for later life.

Activities for all interests and passions

View the timetable provided in this booklet to find out what school clubs took place during the Autumn term.

Current students and parents can also find club calendars on the Firefly student and parent portals.

All the School clubs listed are available before school, lunchtime or after school.

Contact the School’s Admissions Registrar, Jane Morris by telephone on 01902 422939 to learn more about the extra and co-curricular activities on offer in the Junior School.

House System

The House System which begins in Year 1 is another way to build teamwork and create a sense of belonging. The friendly competition between Attwood, Barnes, Derry & Campbell is another strand to the pastoral care in the Junior School and is also a great preparation for the Senior School House system.

For Year 6 there is the chance to step up to leadership roles as House Captains. The children stand for election in the Autumn and Spring terms and present their ‘pitch’ in front of the rest of school.

With the additional opportunities to represent Wolverhampton Grammar Junior School in fixtures against other schools, or to learn to play an instrument taught by one of our visiting music teachers, there is much to enjoy at WGJS!

Find out about our house system

Proud to be one of the oldest schools in the country but forward-looking in our approach.