
Founded in 1512, Wolverhampton Grammar School is an award-winning independent day school, for boys and girls ages 4 to 18.

WGJS pupils benefit from outstanding sporting facilities on our 25-acre site. We are extremely well resourced with playing fields on Moreton’s Piece and in the Valley, as well as netball courts and a purpose-built Sports Hall and Dance Studio.

All children have a weekly PE lesson and in addition Reception have daily yoga and Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 swim weekly at Wolverhampton Swimming and Fitness Centre.

The children love that they can choose the sport that interests them. We have mixed-gender football, cricket, rounders and netball during our weekly Games lessons. In addition, our extra-curricular clubs give our children the opportunity to try hockey, tag rugby, dance and tennis.

With additional Fitness lessons for Years 1 to 6, this amounts to over three hours of timetabled physical activity a week by the time the children are in Year 3. We believe that nurturing a love of sport and encouraging an active life is a major contributing factor to our children’s happiness and wellbeing.

Opportunities beyond the curriculum

Any child in Year 3 upwards that expresses an interest, will be chosen to represent WGJS in fixtures against other schools. WGJS has achieved many successes in Sport.

We are currently the reigning Wolverhampton City Indoor Athletics Champions, U9 and UII Boys’ City Cricket Champions, UII Girls’ City Cricket Champions, UII Boys’ City Football Champions and UII ISFA Midlands Football Champions , UII City Rounders Champions and UII City Netball Runners-up.

As the children move up the Junior School they are taught PE by the senior specialist games staff and on Fridays, Year 6 play sport with Year 7 as part of their Enrichment time; this further enhances the transition to our Senior School.

Parents are invited to spectate at our fixtures, and further details can be found on the Parent Portal. In addition, the annual Junior School Sports Day is a much-anticipated event in which all children from Reception to Year 6 are involved. The House Sports Cup is a coveted trophy as House points all count towards the end of year total and the overall House Winner.

Proud to be one of the oldest schools in the country but forward-looking in our approach.