Transition to Seniors

“The structured plan of induction alongside Year 7's specialist pastoral care helps with the transition from the Junior School.”

Mr Josh Birch, Head of Year 7

Preparing your child for their next steps

One of the benefits of attending WGJS is that your child can focus on enjoying Year 6 and embracing all the opportunities on offer.They do not need to sit SATs or worry about external examinations. There are also a number of scholarships available to current Year 6 pupils moving up from the Junior School which offer discounts on fees.

During your child's time at WGJS they will have plenty of opportunity to learn more about our Senior School. The Year 5 and Year 6 classrooms are based above the Derry Dining Hall and this begins the transition over to the senior teaching blocks. Some lessons will be taken in senior facilities such as the Science Labs, Computer room and Art Studio and during Friday Enrichment, Year 6 may take Games with Year 7 taught by the Senior Sports staff. Particularly talented individuals will be considered for U12 fixtures and play up a year group.

Before they transition to the Senior School, our Junior School children will have become familiar with students in our Lower Sixth who help out on Reception or with playground supervision before and after school and Year 10 students who listen to the younger children read.

Mrs Rowley, our Head Librarian who organises numerous ‘Meet the Author’ events which bring some of the most highly acclaimed and best-selling authors, poets and illustrators to WGS, is one of our Year 7 Tutors and she continues to run a full programme of activities in the Senior School.

Adjusting to Senior School Life

All Junior School students are taught from Year 3 upwards by Senior School teachers in Science, Music, PE and Languages.

Transition to seniors

“There will be a gentle ‘drip-feed’ throughout the upper years of WGJS so that students have time to adjust to life in the Senior School.”

Mr Josh Birch, Head of Year 7

Starting the transition process

In November, parents are invited to a Transition to Senior School Evening to learn more about the next steps in their child’s WGS journey.

This follows a Year 6 Immersion Day, which is always an exciting time to explore new subjects, see different parts of the school and to get to know more of the senior school staff. The children may also take part in our Year 5 Senior School Discovery Day along with prospective pupils.

The Summer term of Year 6 focuses on growing excitement and preparation for the transition to Senior School. Parents and children are invited to an Information Evening as well as a ‘Meet the Tutor’ morning where they will meet their new Form Tutor and start to make friends in their new classes.

iPad inductions are run during August so that the children arrive for the start of term with all the equipment they need and are set up for digital learning in the Senior School. One day earlier than the rest of school, Year 7 are invited to a full induction day to familiarise themselves with senior school routines ahead of the start of term.

Throughout the school year, the Head of Wolverhampton Grammar School regularly attends Junior School events and works with Mr Peters, Head of WGJS, to ensure a seamless transition at age 11 years.

Proud to be one of the oldest schools in the country but forward-looking in our approach.