WGS in region’s top 10 independent schools

WGS in region’s top 10 independent schools


Wolverhampton Grammar School is proud to be ranked in the top 10 independent schools for academic performance in the West Midlands by The Sunday Times Parent Power Guide 2024. 

WGS ranked in the region's top 10 following exceptional GCSE and A Level Results

Wolverhampton Grammar School is proud to be ranked in the top 10 independent schools for academic performance in the West Midlands by The Sunday Times Parent Power Guide 2024. 

The prestigious guide, which was recently published, not only ranks academic excellence but also extracurricular activities, wellbeing and pastoral care. WGS was the only Wolverhampton-based independent school to feature in the league table. Wolverhampton Grammar School was ranked eighth best independent school for academic performance in the West Midlands, and 152nd nationally. 

The award comes just a few months after we celebrated our best GCSE and A Level results in formal exams for over 10 years, with 83% of GCSE grades achieved being 9 to 6 (A*- B equivalent), and 74% A* – B awarded at A Level. 100% of our Cambridge Technical candidates gained a Merit or higher in their qualifications.

Interested in finding out more? We are currently registering for our Senior School Entrance Test in January and taking applications for Sixth Form for September 2024 entry. We also have limited scholarships and bursaries available to assist with fees. If your child is of Junior School age why not come along to our Open Morning?

Wolverhampton Grammar School Top 10 Independent School The Sunday Times

Proud to be one of the oldest schools in the country but forward-looking in our approach.